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Этель Уотерс
Ethel Waters
Роли в кино

Вот это развлечение! Часть 2 / That's Entertainment, Part II

Сказки Манхэттена / Tales of Manhattan

На свадьбе / The Member of the Wedding

Солдатский клуб / Stage Door Canteen

Brother Can You Spare a Dime

Пинки / Pinky

Каир / Cairo

That's Black Entertainment

Сердце-бунтарь / The Heart Is a Rebel

Let's Sing a Song from the Movies

Дар болтовни / Gift of Gab

Rufus Jones for President

Carib Gold

The Great American Songbook

На шоу! / On with the Show!

The Ladies Sing the Blues

The Voice That Thrilled the World

Bicentennial Nigger